Studio 1919
Results for Studio 1919, Studio1919 Productions, Philippa Hammond, Afterthought Theatre Productions, Thomas Everchild, Glimpse, Fanny Hill, Unreliable Romances, Public Speaking
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Studio 1919 - Studio1919 Productions

Studio 1919 and Studio1919 Productions produces a variety of Theatre and Film Projects, and provides input and assistance for production partners in diverse projects including Script, Directing, Set Design, Lighting Design, Photography, Illustration, Sound Design and Recording...


A lively and original Theatre production company formed in 1991 by Thomas Everchild and Philippa Hammond.

ATP has produced many popular and critically acclaimed stage shows, both original writing and adaptations from historic and classic English sources. They offer entertaining, accessible, exciting productions...


Glimpse - Plays by Thomas Everchild

An original thought-provoking stage anthology has gained critical acclaim for both writing and acting, and has been performed regularly since its premiere in 1996.

"Hammond is served well by two three-dimensional, literate and dramatic scripts written by Thomas Everchild and she displays brilliant talent in interpreting them for us. It is spellbinding and entertaining, heart rending and humorous. An hour was all too short." The Scotsman


Fanny Hill - Adapted by Thomas Everchild from John Cleland's 'Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure'

Adaptation of John Cleland's eighteenth century bawdy classic, 'Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure'. Adapted and directed by Thomas Everchild, this faithful, saucy production by Afterthought Theatre Productions dominated the Edinburgh Festival at its premiere and delights broad-minded late-evening audiences...

"The play is packed with erotic adventures of all shapes and sizes nailed by a versatile cast which delights in taking many parts, dropping many breeches and lifting many skirts. It’s deliciously naughty and well worth staying up for." The Scotsman


Unreliable Romances - By Thomas Everchild and Philippa Hammond

A time-travelling cabaret journey from the dark alleyways of Victorian London to the dark zone of Mars, set in an imaginary universe drawing inspiration from English music hall, HG Wells, Surrealism and the Light Program. The shows may include storytelling, songs, poetry, sketches and an exciting 'radio' serial.


Philippa Hammond -

Philippa Hammond is an English character actress based in the South East of the UK near London.


Speaking Well In Public

Training in public speaking. If you need to get a message across to an audience for business or social reasons, our courses will help you to do it in a memorable and effective way. Learn how to deal with your nerves and develop a confident voice and appearance. We can design courses specifically for your individual requirements....


Thomas Everchild -

Thomas Everchild is an English Writer, Director and Illustrator based in the South East of the UK near London.

Founder and Director of Studio 1919 and Studio1919 Productions and Afterthought Theatre and Film Productions.

He has contributed sketches to BBC Radio and numerous stage shows, has directed theatre and film.

Bad Books  
Theatre and Film  
Postcards and Print  

The web-site has photographs, reviews, background information about current and forthcoming projects, information pages for artistic directors, venue managers, actors and writers, plus other information and contacts.